Your name
First Name
Last Name
Your organisation's name
Your busines title or role *
Your email
Your phone number
Your address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Give a quick overview of the naming task - and include your objectives
Briefly state what needs to be named and what makes it unique in the most inspiring and motivating way you can. Please also state what, specifically, you want to achieve with your name, i.e. do you have any clear and specific objectives for the name we should know about?
What makes your brand different?
How will your new brand be positioned in the market? If you have not yet worked out a market positioning, consider what sets your brand, product or service apart from competitor offerings? Is it the category leader? Is it a competitor brand? What does it do better than its competitors?
Who are your key competitors?
List key competitor brand names and URLs to their websites and social media profiles where these are available. This helps establish the tone of the competitive environment – and helps identify gaps where we might do something new. It also helps us avoid suggesting names that are similar to those of your competitors. If you have full competitor analysis please email it separately or attach it to this message.
What does your brand have in common with competitor brands?
It’s good to know the key areas you share with other brands because, more often than not, these are also best avoided from a naming point of view, unless we can find an exciting new way to make an old promise, or combine something old with something new to create differentiation.
What are your brand's key value propositions?
These might include things like innovation, quality, reliability, teamwork, safety, making a difference. What are the things that your customers or clients value most about your brand?
Describe your brand's personality
List 6 to 10 key words that describe your brand’s personality. Typically these words are adjectives and include terms like: welcoming, warm, authentic, inspiring, dynamic, relaxed, high-energy, sophisticated, down-to-earth, contemporary, healthy, naughty, indulgent, and so forth.
Who do you want to attract?
Identify your primary and secondary markets and give us information that may be useful to create context without overwhelming us. Use bullet points. Who are your prospective customers? What age are they? What is their gender? What do they do professionally and in their spare time? Family role? Income group? Key attitudes? There is no need for this information to be exhaustive. We just need a rough idea.
What consumer insights can you share with us?
Are there any insights that might inspire us with regard to how, when, where or why you product or service might be used by people? For example, which social media platforms do they use, and are any of them relevant to your product? Do people use your service to reward themselves, to show off, to be seen as good parents, or simply to get a job done at the lowest possible cost? Briefly list any consumer behaviour of interest around your brand.
Give examples of some names you admire
List three or four names (or more) of other brands in any category at all that you believe have the right kind of “feel” for the name you are looking for.
Words to think about
List any words you like or that feel right to you with regard to creating names: For example, Jupiter, Scones, Thunder, Mice, Engineering, your boss’ name; ) Soft, Glossy, Mellifluous... you get the idea.
Absolute musts
List anything that absolutely must be included. For example, does the name have to work with a parent brand name? Does it have to fit in with an established naming methodology, or family of names? Must the name be less than a certain number of characters, syllables or words?
Give a few examples of names that would be wrong, wrong, wrong!
List three or four names (or more) of other brands in any category that you would rather be dragged over hot coals than be associated with in any way.
Anything else we should steer clear of?
Are their any buzzwords or terms we should stay away from? For example, terms or imagery used by your competitors, or things that are considered clichés in your particular niche. If yours is a medical product or alcoholic beverage there is no need to state anything that people familiar with theses categories should know.
Anything else you feel is important?
If there in anything else at all that you feel is important, please include it here.